The importance of building a relationship, not simply growing sales

by Jim Greig, Global Sales and Marketing Manager Electronic Materials, LORD Corporation

As we enter the mid-point through the calendar year, many of us are in a position in which we are defending sales compared to estimated plan. Or, maybe we are looking at how to fine-tune opportunities for the balance of 2015, ensuring maximum profit and potential for 2016. While these tasks are necessary, it is also key to look at your plans from a customer perspective. Regardless of what the balance sheet shows, are you taking care of business from the standpoint of your customers?

Jim Greig, Global Sales and Marketing Manager Electronic Materials, LORD Corporation-photo

Jim Greig

In this perplexing industry of ours, I have seen a growing trend of focusing more on new sales and growth, and less on taking care of existing customers. This is especially a challenge for those with large market share, as complacency can quickly become the standard. Do you show your customers how much you value their business, no matter how long you have worked together?  One of my goals is for our customers to feel as if I wake up each day with the goal of earning their business once again by listening to their ever-changing needs.

No matter the industry, the pressure to lower costs is paramount, adding pressure throughout every step in the supply chain. To this end, many have simply accepted that schedules and budgets won’t be met. While this may or may not be the case, it is key for suppliers to be flexible, recognizing that forecasts and specifications change, so being adaptable is simply expected. However, flexibility should fall under a premise of trust and a shared common vision.  Budgets and schedules can and should be met – a reality if the focus is on the relationship, not merely the profit.

At LORD Corporation, our goal is to build a relationship, not simply grow sales. The sales will happen if we work together to meet the needs of your customers, fine-tuning one of our existing solutions or developing one based on our decades of experience. I look forward to helping you develop your own customer relationships through our partnership efforts.